The Green Death

Who Talk: The Green Death

We can reveal the first Who Talk title of 2017!

The Green Death, or “the one with the maggots” as it has affectionately become known, marked the end of the UNIT family, as Jo Grant was written out of the series.

“This was an important story for us to revisit” says producer Paul W.T. Ballard, “as we were able to bring a variety of new voices and combinations of guests to a much loved classic.”

“This is the first time Katy Manning and Stewart Bevan have been brought together to record a commentary for The Green Death, and the experience of hearing the life long friends discuss the series was magical.”

Joining Katy Manning (who played Jo Grant) and Stewart Bevan (who played Professor Jones) are U.N.I.T. members Richard Franklin (Captain Yates) and John Levene (Sgt Benton) as well as actress Mitzi McKenzie (Nancy) and the director Michael E.Briant. This release is once again moderated by actor, comedian and cult television enthusiast Toby Hadoke.

The double CD is now available; you can purchase them direct from Who Talk at a discounted price of £10.99 each (RRP £12.99) or via download priced £9.99. The special signed edition will be available exclusively via this website priced £19.99.

Who Talk will return next month!